Here Are 4 Similarities Between The Game Of Blackjack And Real Life!
Blackjack is not only a game that involves card counting, although it matters a great deal whether or not you are able to keep track of the hands dealt effectively. Blackjack is also a card game where making the right decision and taking on a risk when the odds are in your favor will always pay off. And this is something that can also apply in day to day life.
We can find hundreds of parallels between the way a blackjack player calls the shots at the table and his normal reaction to mundane situations, depending of course on the “expertise” he has in both categories. To put it simply, novice and expert “players” tend to follow certain feedback patterns. Let’s elaborate.
1. Gut feelings and their accuracy
Statistically, a starting blackjack player relies heavily on intuition and, in at least 80% of the cases, he is right on the money. In other words, he takes a great percentage of the decisions that a professionally player would, but not ALL because he evidently cannot account for all the variables involved. In the same way, a teen or young adult that takes his very first steps in society is generally equipped to dissociate right from wrong, black from white. However, he will often falter when it comes to the grey areas and that 20% margin of error is not negligible.
2. The voice of experience and golden opportunities
In the absence of solid blackjack – or gambling in general – background, it may be very difficult to differentiate a golden opportunity that comes disguised as a worthless hand. Correspondingly, in life we always encounter game changing issues that could in fact represent extraordinary prospects, if approached correctly. Naturally, growing up and honing our skills, we eventually tend to learn how to pierce the veil.
3. Comprehending the rules of the game
What newbie blackjack players tend to forget is that the game represents the sum of all its aspects, not just a small set. While their comprehension over the rules and a couple of effective strategies could be flawless, they have a propensity of forgetting about or downright ignoring others that are just as critical. And, when exceptions to their rule occur, they are simply paralyzed and make the call randomly. In real life, which is considerably more random and unpredictable than the game of blackjack, any unexpected blow can make you lose your balance if you have not mastered the basic strategies and coping systems (aka time management, goal setting, etc.).
4. Discipline, who has it and who lacks it?
Evidently, a novice player typically lacks discipline and his decisions lack consistency. You will often notice him react quite differently to the very same situation and indulge in inadvisable activities that stem from lack of self-control at the blackjack table, such as drinking alcohol. On the other hand, a pro blackjack player knows that there is no actual connection between winning and the decision you take (right or wrong) for individual hands. Still, given enough time he will take the right decision consistently irrespective of the outcome will pay off. That takes self-discipline and plenty of it. Equally, in the real world you may constantly do the right thing – focus on your career or life goals – without instantly seeing the results, but in time, the sum of all your efforts will certainly be worth it.
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